Galanthamine Hydrobromide
Name:  Galanthamine hydrobromide
Molecular Structure:  
Molecular Formula:  C17H21NO3.HBr; C17H22BrNO3
Molecular Weight:  368.27
CAS Number1953-04-4
Galanthamine Hydrobromide is a strong (reversible) cholinesterase inhibitor, increasing the susceptibility of the organism to acetylcholine, and treat for mild to moderate dementia of the Alzheimer's type in clinic. The drug galantamine is much inadequate for patient's consumption around the world.
Our galanthamine Hydrobromide is extracted from Lycoris radiata (L.Herit.) Herb) To ensure the stable supply of Galanthamine HBr, a large area of herbs have been cultivated and advanced extract technology have been adopted for both enhancing the yield and purifying fine products.
Galanthamine extract is specific, competitive and reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Galanthamine extract is also an allosteric modulator at nicotinic cholinergic receptor sites potentiating cholinergic nicotinic neurotransmission. Both the acetylcholine and nicotine receptors have been suggested as areas related to cognitive impairment. Initially, Galanthamine extract was used in anesthesiology to antagonize the effects of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants, and since then Galanthamine extract was rapidly introduced in other areas of medicine, i.e. neurology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, intensive care and resuscitation, cardiology, physiotherapy. Galanthamine extract is a product with broad therapeutic index, allowing "soft" manifestation of its effect with individual dosing depending on the particular case.
Appearance:   White Powder
Assay by HPLC:   98% Min 
Packing:   Nt.W:1kg/aluminum foil bag with inner plastic bag
Storage:   Store in a cool and dry area, keep sealed and keep away from direct light 
View Active Pharma Ingredient Item.